
The portable equipment consists of
Elecraft KX3 Transceiver  160-6m, 15W QRP
option: KXAT3 internal wide range 20W automatic antenna tuner
option: KXFL3 dual passband roofing filter
Palm Radio Mini paddle MP-817-ABS
USB CAT&CW Interface „SUCCI-R“ from LZ5VK

HyEndFed 3 Band antenna 40/20/10m 150 Watt
HyEndFed 4 Band antenna 40/20/15/10m 150 Watt
10m GRP pole „mini“ DXwire (transport length 67cm)

Win-Test contest logging Software (USB cable and KX3_scripts N6TV)
VK port-a-log Android logging app for portable logging